[PHP-users 18944]Re: Apache1.3.28/PHP4.3.4でPHPが動きません

gotou gotou @ hokkou.co.jp
2003年 11月 15日 (土) 20:41:44 JST

>       上鍵です.こんにちわ.
>       CGI としてビルドされているように見えます;-) php の configure で
>     configure が apxs を見つけられているかなど調べてみてはいかがでしょ
>     うか?


./configure \
        --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin/apxs \
        --enable-magic-quotes \
        --enable-mbstring \

|                        *** WARNING ***                            		  |
| You will be compiling the CGI version of PHP without any    	  |
| redirection checking.  By putting this cgi binary somewhere in       |
| your web space, users may be able to circumvent existing .htaccess  |
| security by loading files directly through the parser.  See           
| http://www.php.net/manual/security.php for more details.             |

Thank you for using PHP.


checking for Apache 1.x module support via DSO through APXS... no
checking for Apache 1.x module support... no
checking for member fd in BUFF *... (cached) yes
checking for mod_charset compatibility option... no
checking for Apache 2.0 filter-module support via DSO through APXS... no
checking for Apache 2.0 handler-module support via DSO through APXS... no
checking for Caudium support... no
checking for CLI build... yes
checking for embedded SAPI library support... no
checking for Zeus ISAPI support... no
checking for NSAPI support... no
checking for PHTTPD support... no
checking for Pi3Web support... no
checking for Roxen/Pike support... no
checking for Servlet support... no
checking for thttpd... no
checking for TUX... no
checking for webjames... no
checking for CGI build... yes
checking whether writing to stdout works... This is the test message -- yes
checking whether to force Apache CGI redirect... no
checking whether to discard path_info + path_translated... no
checking whether to enable path info checking... yes
checking whether to enable fastcgi support... no
checking for chosen SAPI module... cgi

おそらく、apxs が見つからなかったのかな、と思うのですが、
しかし、/usr/local/apache/bin/ の下に apxs があるのは確認済みです。

# ls -l /usr/local/apache/bin/
合計 624
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root        26581 11月 15 12:59 apxs


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