[PHP-users 31886] Re: php で imagemagick

Masaaki Suga suga @ tenrikyo.or.jp
2007年 4月 10日 (火) 09:00:10 JST


autoconf 2.13
automake 1.5を入れて再度実行してみました

> buildconf: Your version of autoconf likely contains buggy cache code.
>            Running cvsclean for you.
>            To avoid this, install autoconf-2.13 and automake-1.5.

# phpize
Configuring for:
PHP Api Version:         20031224
Zend Module Api No:      20041030
Zend Extension Api No:   220040412
/usr/local/bin/phpize: !: 見つかりません。
/usr/local/bin/phpize: !: 見つかりません。

# ./buildconf --force
Forcing buildconf
using default Zend directory
buildconf: checking installation...
buildconf: autoconf version 2.13 (ok)
make: Fatal error in reader: build/build2.mk, line 34: Badly formed macro assignment
Current working directory /usr/local/src/php/php-5.0.5
*** Error code 1
The following command caused the error:
make AMFLAGS= -s -f build/build2.mk
make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `all'


phpizeの 見つかりませんというのが気になりますが

 須賀正明:suga @ tenrikyo.or.jp

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