[phpug-admin 2277] Re: PHPカンファレンス2011の開催について

MugeSo mugeso @ mugeso.com
2011年 2月 16日 (水) 09:56:29 JST


昨年夏にも来日したAgaviのリードデベロッパーのDavid Zuelkeが、

んのネタを持っています。今あるネタとして Hadoop, 




Large-Scale Data Processing with Hadoop and PHP
The MapReduce framework promises to make computing of large sets of data 
very easy. The approach offers excellent scalability across many 
computing nodes, and can easily be integrated with existing systems. 
This session will give an introduction to the basic techniques and ideas 
behind MapReduce, followed by examples using Apache Hadoop, a major 
implementation of MapReduce, together with PHP.
Note: MapReduce rocks. I've built production data processing clusters 
with Hadoop Streaming and PHP for the processing jobs. This could also 
be a longer tutorial where people play along in a VM.
Topic: Performance&Scalability or PHP (a good part of the talk is not 
about PHP, but only about MapReduce and Hadoop).

Bulletproof Access Control With Zend_Acl
Every developer is familiar with the pains of access control. Basic 
authorization checks like checking if a user has a certain permission 
are easy enough - until they start leaking into parts of the code that 
shouldn't have that logic. And then there is the problem of conditions 
like "only the owner of a post may edit the post". Thankfully with 
Zend_Acl, it's all a piece of (delicious) cake.
Note: Have used Zend_Acl in a number of projects now, it's fabulous. The 
main magic lies in its assertion feature, where stuff like the mentioned 
"only the owner of a post may edit the post" condition can be 
implemented. But there are pitfalls; for instance, it's important to 
find the right granularity for resource types, and to structure them 
appropriately. Will also address things like caching the final ACL to 
increase performance, and, of course, how to integrate it with the model 
(that's what really enables all the awesomeness).
Topic: PHP

The Agavi Framework. Will Make You Happy.
Agavi has been around for six years, and during that time, it has made 
numerous developers very, very happy. Its focus on the essential 
strengths of a framework, such as strong validation, code reuse and 
collaboration in teams boost productivity and prevent projects from 
turning into ugly, unmaintainable beasts over time. This talk gives an 
overview of the Agavi framework and its unique features.
Note: I am the lead developer of Agavi ;)
Topic: PHP

Designing HTTP Interfaces and RESTful Web Services
A lot of Web Services today claim to be RESTful APIs. But are they 
really? Do the URLs accurately identify resources? Are the powers of 
HTTP leveraged properly? What is "hypermedia", what is the Uniform 
Interface, and what is the secret behind the HATEOAS acronym that is so 
essential to the REST architectural style? This talk gives answers and 
guidelines using real-life examples, and shows how an HTTP based 
infrastructure using hypermedia scales like no other system out there.
Note: this talk always gets great reviews at conferences. REST has 
nothing to do with pretty URLs, or HTTP status codes or something like 
that. It's all about hypermedia. This talk assembles the puzzle, piece 
by piece.
Topic: Performance & Scalability

XML Is Dead. Long Live XML.
The increasing popularity of data formats like JSON or YAML has left 
many people wondering whether those who've been bashing XML all along 
might have a point. This talk will look at the strengths and weaknesses 
of XML, JSON and YAML, examine when to use which format, and explain why 
storing objects as XML is a pain, why CouchDB uses JSON and why HTML5 
missed the greatest chance the Web ever had.
Note: most people hate XML because they need to consume badly designed 
formats others came up with. The current "XML is dead, JSON is teh shit" 
debate is a bit frustrating, because there are very good reasons to have 
XML, and its use cases don't intersect all that much with JSONs, but 
people don't seem to understand that.
Topic: Performance & Scalability

An Introduction to CouchDB
Apache CouchDB, a document database implemented in Erlang, is becoming 
more and more popular. The MapReduce-style approach to querying the 
database as well as some unique scalability considerations and its 
replication features make it a tempting proposition. This talk will 
examine the basic principles of CouchDB, its major strenghts and its key 
differences compared to other NoSQL databases.
Note: delivered this talk a few times now and have used CouchDB for a 
few years.
Topic: Performance & Scalability

(2011/02/07 18:49), 柏岡秀男 wrote:
> 柏岡です
> おつかれさまです
> ビズDAYどうするかというのも絡みますが
> 上手く、外部提供していただければ、そこの会場と連動も考えつつ
> 6/1の会場の抽選にみんなで参加で
> 小展示+会議室sで開催というのはありかもしれません
> ちなみに予算って、あまりまってましたっけ?
> 本予約時の入金として

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