[PHP-users 12908] Windows版PHP-4.3.0でのPEARインストール方法

Youichi Iwakiri php-users@php.gr.jp
Fri, 31 Jan 2003 15:22:37 +0900


PHP-4.3.0 for Windows 95/98/Me and on Windows NT/2000/XP

1) php.exe(cli版)の置かれたディレクトリをパスに追加する
2) php4ts.dllを、php.exeと同じディレクトリにコピーする
3) phpインストールディレクトリに移動する(例 c:\php)
4) c:\php> php -n -r "include 'http://go-pear.org';"
5) 4)の実行で色々と設問されますが、応えていくことでインストールされます。


Subject: HowTo: Pear + Windows install
Kerry Kobashi wrote in <20030131032401.66079.qmail@pb1.pair.com> :
>Tip for Quick Windows installations of Pear:
>In the 4.3 PHP distribution, there is the PHP client. Running the php.exe
>client alone in the CLI directory will result in error so you need to have
>php4ts.dll in the system path, or just put it in the same CLI directory.
>When you unrar the distribution, php4ts.dll will be located in the C:\Php
>root directory so make a copy of it and store it in the CLI directory.
>Go to the CLI directory and type in the following:
>       php -n -r "include 'http://go-pear.org';"
>as directed and just answer with the defaults. Upon execution, the pear
>installer will download to the C:\Php\pear directory all the pear packages
>with directory structure intact.
>Hope this saves someone some time.
>- Kerry
>  Would have been nice to see the command above in the pear documentation. I
>spent way too much time on such a simple thing.
>  In the manual, it says the Pear base is already installed on the system.
>This is not true under the Windows distribution as it is placed in RAR
>format in the packages directory. The first thing I wanted to do was just
>create a pear directory and Unrar all the packages in it.... well that would
>defeat the purpose of the installer and who knows if it would be installed
>correctly. Since there were no instructions on how to go about installing
>these packages in the documentation, one is sort of left hanging.... please
>change this.

Youichi Iwakiri