[PHP-users 15485]Re: jpgraphで日本語を表示

gotou gotou @ hokkou.co.jp
2003年 5月 26日 (月) 13:17:53 JST



>  既出のMLで出されていた、日本語表示のパッチを当ててみたのですが、
> 	Specified TTF font family (id=18) is unknown or does not exist.……
>  というようなエラーが出てしまって、グラフが表示出来ません。

  if(!$fam) 〜

// Create the TTF file from the font specification
function File($family,$style=FS_NORMAL) {
	if( $family == FF_HANDWRT || $family==FF_BOOK )
		JpGraphError::Raise('Font families FF_HANDWRT and FF_BOOK are no longer
available due to copyright problem with these fonts. Fonts can no longer be
distributed with JpGraph. Please download fonts from
	$fam = @$this->font_files[$family];
	if( !$fam ) JpGraphError::Raise("Specified TTF font family (id=$family) is
unknown or does not exist. ".
				"Please note that TTF fonts are not distributed with JpGraph for
copyright reasons.".
				" You can find the MS TTF WEB-fonts (arial, courier etc) for
download at ".
				" http://corefonts.sourceforge.net/");
	$f = @$fam[$style];
	if( $f==='' )
		JpGraphError::Raise('Style "'.$this->style_names[$style].'" is not
available for font family '.$this->font_files[$family][FS_NORMAL].'.');
	if( !$f )
		JpGraphError::Raise("Unknown font style specification [$fam].");
	$f = TTF_DIR.$f.$fam[FS_EXT];
	if( file_exists($f) === false || is_readable($f) === false ) {
		JpGraphError::Raise("Font file \"$f\" is not readable or does not
return $f;


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