[PHP-users 21100] Re: PHP 4.3.5 Release Announcement
Seiji Masugata
s.masugata @ digicom.dnp.co.jp
2004年 4月 1日 (木) 23:19:54 JST
> PHP 4.3.5がリリースされました。
A pretty serious bug crept into 4.3.5.
A few weeks ago, a TSRM fix was commited which was supposed to prevent
memory leaks when PHP ends its execution (shutdown dtor was not being
called in tsrm_shutdown()). This fix causes a crash when a shared extension
registers a dtor function. This is because the dtor is called after the
extension is unloaded. Stas has commited a patch to TSRM which prevents the
dtor call for now, which isn't very important because besides giving a warm
fuzzy feeling, it's right before PHP shuts down and thus, memory leaks
aren't important anyway. On a side note the per-thread dtor is still
called, thus, eliminating leaks when threads are created/destroyed in
multi-threaded servers.
I suggest we release 4.3.5pl1 with just this bug fix within the next couple
of days as this is a crash bug which can happen on any MT server or MT-safe
PHP builds (such as Windows CGI).
+1 except I would call it 4.3.6. We have precedent for this sort bug fix
release. 4.3.1 if I remember correctly.
There were many bug reports regarding some data/time functions, maybe we
should merge that fix in as well? Rasmus/Derick should know more about this
Seiji Masugata<s.masugata @ digicom.dnp.co.jp>
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