[PHP-users 21459] Re: PHP5.0.0RC2 release coming soon?

Seiji Masugata s.masugata @ digicom.dnp.co.jp
2004年 4月 22日 (木) 11:01:12 JST



Hey Guys,

You can get PHP 5 RC2RC2 from http://snaps.php.net/~andi
This includes the proposed interface change and a fix for exceptions.
Please check it out and if there aren't any problems I'll roll RC2 





?? ????? 2004, PHP 5 Release Candidate 2
- Reimplemented zend.ze1_compatibility_mode to have better PHP 4 compliance.
  (Dmitry, Andi)
- Moved yaz extension to PECL. (Wez)
- Added pty support to proc_open(). (Wez)
- Added possibility to check in which extension an internal class was defined 
  in using reflection API. (Marcus)
- Changed tidy error handling to no longer use exceptions and 
  renamed the "error_buf" property to errorBuffer. (John)
- Changed class and method names to use studlyCaps convention. (Marcus)
- Changed language parser to throw errors when a non-empty signature is used in
  a destructor definition. (Marcus)
- Changed HTTP file uploads not to throw E_WARNINGs and E_NOTICEs. The error 
  value in the $_FILES global should be used for error handling. (Derick)
- Changed __construct() to always take precedence over old style constructor.
- Fixed handling of return values from storred procedures in mssql_execute()
  with multiple result sets returned. (Frank)
- Fixed bug #28007 (compile mssql extension with old versions of FreeTDS
  fails). (Frank)
- Fixed bug #27997 (SPL: Crash with getInnerIterator()). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #27928 (sqlite incorrectly handles invalid filenames). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #27865 (STDIN, STDOUT, STDERR are dup()d under CLI). (Wez)
- Fixed bug #27821 (xml_parse() segfaults when xml_set_object() is called from
  class method). (Andi, Rob)
- Fixed bug #27742 (WDSL SOAP Parsing Schema bug). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #27722 (Segfault on schema without targetNamespace). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #27719 (mktime issues on and around DST changeover). (Rasmus)
- Fixed bug #27681 (soap extension fails without HAVE_TM_GMTOFF). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #27641 (Object cloning in ze1_compatibility_mode was reimplemented)
  (Dmitry, Andi)
- Fixed bug #27628 (Simplify the process of making a POST request via stream
  context). (Ilia)
- Fixed bug #27619 (filters not applied to pre-buffered stream data). (Sara)
- Fixed bug #27519 (Reflection_Function constructor crashes with non-existant 
  function's name). (Marcus)
- Fixed bug #27469 (serialize() objects of incomplete class). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #27457 (handling of numeric indexes in strtr()). (Dmitry)
- Fixed bug #27397 (debug_backtrace() not showing function arguments). (Zeev)
- Fixed bug #27283 (The last catch statement was sometimes skipped). (Andi)
- Fixed bug #26441 (When __set() returned a value it corrupted it). (Andi)

> もうすぐですかね、RC2。
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> http://news.php.net/article.php?group=php.internals&article=9149
> I rolled PHP 5.0.0RC2RC1.
> Please check it out and see that it builds well. 
> If so, I will roll RC2 soon...
> http://snaps.php.net/~andi/
> Please don't commit patches unless they are critical bug fixes 
> in the meanwhile. If you're not sure, mail internals@
> Andi
> -------------------------------------------------------------------

Seiji Masugata<s.masugata @ digicom.dnp.co.jp>

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