[PHP-users 2626] Re: JpGraphを使ってらっしゃる方いますか?

Nakagawa, Yasuharu php-users@php.gr.jp
Wed, 10 Oct 2001 18:17:09 +0900


In message 田中 雅英 wrote...
 >Message-ID: <3BC3D572.6626B55E@nddhq.co.jp>
 >From: 田中 雅英 <m-tanaka@nddhq.co.jp>
 >Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 13:58:27 +0900
 >Subject: [PHP-users 2618] JpGraphを使ってらっしゃる方いますか?
JpGraphは PHP4用ですよね。


diff -cwr phplot-4.4.6/phplot.php.orig phplot-4.4.6/phplot.php
*** phplot-4.4.6/phplot.php.orig	Tue Mar 27 00:52:02 2001
--- phplot-4.4.6/phplot.php	Tue Jul 10 14:07:38 2001
*** 779,785 ****
  	function SetPlotType($which_pt) {
! 		$accepted = "bars,lines,linepoints,area,points,pie,thinbarline";
  		$asked = trim($which_pt);
  		if (eregi($asked, $accepted)) {
  			$this->plot_type = $which_pt;
--- 779,785 ----
  	function SetPlotType($which_pt) {
! 		$accepted = "accbars,bars,lines,linepoints,area,points,pie,thinbarline";
  		$asked = trim($which_pt);
  		if (eregi($asked, $accepted)) {
  			$this->plot_type = $which_pt;
*** 829,850 ****
  			$tmp = 0;
  			$total_records += count($dat) - 1; // -1 for label
  			switch ($this->data_type) {
  				case "text-data":
  					//Find the relative Max and Min
  					while (list($key, $val) = each($dat)) {
  						if ($key != 0) {  //$dat[0] = label
  							if ($val > $maxy) {
! 								$maxy = $val ;
  							if ($val < $miny) {
! 								$miny = (double) $val ;
  				case "data-data":  //X-Y data is passed in as $data[] = (title,x,y,y2,y3,...) which you can use for multi-dimentional plots.
--- 829,861 ----
  			$tmp = 0;
  			$total_records += count($dat) - 1; // -1 for label
  			switch ($this->data_type) {
  			case "text-data":
  			  //Find the relative Max and Min
! 			  $maxy0 = $maxy ;
! 			  $miny0 = $miny ;
  			  while (list($key, $val) = each($dat)) {
  			    if ($key != 0) {  //$dat[0] = label
+ 			      if ( $this->plot_type == "accbars" ) {
+ 				$maxy0 += (double)$val ;
+ 				if ( $val < 0 ) {
+ 				  $miny0 += $val ;
+ 				}
+ 			      } else {
  				if ($val > $maxy) {
! 				  $maxy0 = $val ;
  				if ($val < $miny) {
! 				  $miny0 = (double) $val ;
! 				}
+ 			  $maxy = ( $maxy > $maxy0 )? $maxy : $maxy0 ;
+ 			  $miny = ( $miny < $miny0 )? $miny : $miny0 ;
  			case "data-data":  //X-Y data is passed in as $data[] = (title,x,y,y2,y3,...) which you can use for multi-dimentional plots.
*** 2436,2441 ****
--- 2447,2526 ----
  	} //function DrawBars
+ 	function DrawAccBars() {
+ 	  if ($this->data_type != "text-data") { 
+ 	    $this->DrawError('Bar plots must be text-data: use function SetDataType("text-data")');
+ 	  }
+ 	  $xadjust = ($this->records_per_group * $this->record_bar_width )/4;
+ 	  reset($this->data_values);
+ 	  while (list($j, $row) = each($this->data_values)) {
+ 	    $color_index = 0;
+ 	    $colbarcount = 0;
+ 	    $x_now = $this->xtr($j+.5);
+ 	    $ya = $yi = 0 ;
+ 	    $y0 = $this->x_axis_position;
+ 	    while (list($k, $v) = each($row)) {
+ 	      if ($k == 0) {
+ 		//Draw Data Labels
+ 		$xlab = SubStr($v,0,$this->x_datalabel_maxlength);
+ 		$this->DrawXDataLabel($xlab,$x_now);
+ 	      } else {
+ 		// Draw Bars ($v)
+ 		$x1 = $x_now - $this->data_group_space ;
+ 		$x2 = $x1 + $this->record_bar_width*$this->records_per_group; 
+ //		if ($v < $this->x_axis_position) {
+ //		  $y1 = $this->ytr($this->x_axis_position);
+ //		  $y2 = $this->ytr($v);
+ //		} else {
+ //		  $y1 = $this->ytr($v);
+ //		  $y2 = $this->ytr($this->x_axis_position);
+ //		}
+ 		if ($v < $this->x_axis_position) {
+ 		  $y1 = $this->ytr($ya + $y0);
+ 		  $y2 = $this->ytr($ya + $v);
+ 		  $ya = $ya + $v;
+ 		} else {
+ 		  $y1 = $this->ytr($yi + $v);
+ 		  $y2 = $this->ytr($yi + $y0);
+ 		  $yi = $yi + $v ;
+ 		}
+ 		if ($color_index >= count($this->ndx_data_color)) $color_index=0;
+ 		if ($colbarcount >= count($this->ndx_data_border_color)) $colbarcount=0;
+ 		$barcol = $this->ndx_data_color[$color_index];
+ 		$bordercol = $this->ndx_data_border_color[$colbarcount];
+ 		if ((strval($v) != "") ) {   //Allow for missing Y data 
+ 		  if ($this->shading > 0) {
+ 		    for($i=0;$i<($this->shading);$i++) { 
+ 		      //Shading set in SetDefaultColors
+ 		      ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1+$i, $y1-$i, $x2+$i, $y2-$i, $this->ndx_i_light);
+ 		    }
+ 		  }
+ 		  ImageFilledRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $barcol);
+ 		  ImageRectangle($this->img, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $bordercol);
+ 		  if ($this->draw_data_labels == '1') {  //ajo
+ 		    $y1 = $this->ytr($this->label_scale_position * $v);
+ 		    //$this->DrawDataLabel($v,$j + .5,$v*$this->label_scale_position);
+ 		    $this->DrawText($this->x_label_ttffont, $this->x_label_angle,
+ 				    $x1+$this->record_bar_width/2, $y1, $this->ndx_label_color, $this->x_label_ttffont_size, $v,'center','top');
+ 		  }
+ 		} 
+ 		$color_index++;
+ 		$colbarcount++;
+ 	      }
+ 	    }
+ 	  }
+ 	} //function DrawAccBars
  	function DrawLegend($which_x1,$which_y1,$which_boxtype) {
  		//Base code submitted by Marlin Viss
*** 2461,2467 ****
  	//Lower Right
! 		$box_end_y = $box_start_y + $this->small_font_height*(count($this->legend)+1) + 2*$vert_margin; 
  		//$box_end_x = $this->plot_area[2] - 5;
  		$box_end_x = $box_start_x + $this->small_font_width*($max_legend_length+4) - 5;
--- 2546,2552 ----
  	//Lower Right
! 		$box_end_y = $box_start_y + $this->small_font_height*(count($this->legend)+3) + 2*$vert_margin; 
  		//$box_end_x = $this->plot_area[2] - 5;
  		$box_end_x = $box_start_x + $this->small_font_width*($max_legend_length+4) - 5;
*** 2555,2560 ****
--- 2640,2651 ----
  //ImageString($this->img, 4, 20, 20, $foo, $this->ndx_text_color);
  			switch ($this->plot_type) {
+ 				case "accbars":
+ 					$this->DrawPlotBorder();
+ 					$this->DrawLabels();
+ 					$this->DrawAccBars();
+ 					$this->DrawXAxis();
+ 					break;
  				case "bars":

     Nakagawa, Yasuharu  <yasuharu_nakagawa@yokogawa.co.jp>
     中川 康晴      @  横河電機(株)コンポ事業部室 (PHS:25842)
     Key fingerprint = 4ABF 08D3 BF9B 1CC5 AB0C  A30F 6427 1ADB 5C8D 4F14